Thanks to All Drivers, Race Teams and Officials

24/03/2010 10:38

We would like to thanks all drivers, race teams and officials for their magnificent efforts in ensuring the meeting went ahead last Saturday night in the most awful conditions possible.

A number of heavy showers throughout the afternoon had made the track tacky but it should have been in decent nick following a couple of races. However once the racing started none stop heavy and sometimes torrential rain made the meeting a battle for all drivers and race teams just to get out on track and race.

Even managing to see was an acheivement in itself and just how as many drivers and teams managed to race and turn cars round back out of the pits was pretty incredible in what were undoubtedly the worst conditions possible.

A special mention must also go to our race officials, many of whome had no opportunity to shelter from the elements at all - as always the job they did in the very inclement conditions was as professional and efficent as ever.

And finally our thanks go to the many fans who braved the conditions and took a chance on the weather not being as bad as it was. There was once again a good crowd in attendance and out thanks go to their continued support through a  period which has been difficulat for all shale tracks with the worst winter in the last 30 years.


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