2L Banger World Qualifying


The latest qualifying points for the 2L Banger World Final appear below. At the end of the World Qualifiers the top 18 drivers on the points chart qualify for the World Final. In a change to previous years this year the entire grid will be make up by a random draw rather than the top points scorers starting at the front of the grid. Only one World qualifier remains which takes place on Sat 23 June.


One qualifier remains - Sat 23 June Points up to 22 June 2012


337 Ashley Garrod 82
730 Deane Mayes 75
148 Ian Redden 64
349 Michael Allard 56
390 David Gibson 55
138 Jason Smy 53
597 Andy Ashman 49
572 Paul Scully 49
338 Terry Garrod 45
22 Dave Vincent 44
89 Joe Barratt 42
90 Simon Chapman 42
285 Sean Dyer 41
399 Jonny Atkins 39
5 Mo Crowson 38
370 Craig Gray 32
79 Ricky Twell 31
519 Lee Middleton 29
176 Ady Gibbs 21
396 Graham Hyla 21
132 Robert James 20
851 Adam Storr 20
8 James Jackson 20
32 Alan Wombwell 20
639 Paul Vines 20
782 Jamie Roberts 20
601 Chris Meddler 19
316 Sean Haller 18
65 Shaun Randall 13
145 Chris Abbott 13
119 Davey Cox 12
43 Nicky Bishop 12
427 Dave Johnson 11
611 Joe Geeves 11
197 Glenn Woodward 11
837 Martin Wesby 10
393 Pete Annells 10
779 Luke allen 10
72 Billy Bond 10
340 Wesley Freestone 10
392 Sam Baines 10
515 Gareth Flatters 10


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